Hidden/unloaded actors no longer appear in the targeting list by default (but can be toggled on).Minions, Fashion Accessories and Mounts now appear in the targeting list by default and can be pinned.Overworld actors can now be posed in GPose.Clothing/appearance of overworld actors can be changed even within GPose.Overworld actors can now be pinned in GPose.Fashion Accessories (aka Ornaments) can now be switched and equipped as they are in-game (no more model-switching).Animation can be queued to play next or forced to play immediately.Added a button to set an actor to default idle pose.Reset now attempts to restore the actor to the state they were before any animation was applied.Animation overriding is now available in the overworld and for overworld actors.Speed control is only available in GPose.Emotes are now searchable in animation search.World position of camera and actors can now be frozen with motion enabled (this allows you to move actors which are animating).A 'Universal' Built-In Poses folder has been added, which currently includes A- and T- poses for use with any race and gender.Enabling pose mode now freezes the world position of the camera and actors.Sage and Reaper weapons can now be manipulated in Pose Mode (Matrix and Pose3D views).Fixed the invisible overworld version of actors staying pinned when entering gpose, making it appear that poses were not loading.Humungous thanks to and for many of these updates! Equipment toolbar is now correctly disabled when the actor cannot be refreshed.Fixed a 'Value does not fall within the expected range' error when opening the file browser.#886 - Fixed saved appearances of monsters being unloadable.#881 - Prevent changing of animations when the actor is not in a valid state.#855 - Fixed many NPCs loading without their equipment, instead getting a Moogle cap and red shorts.#853 - Fixed many NPCs loading without the correct hand items.#847, #848 - Disable time control if FFXIV is closed.Fixes character changes not loading character collections, and allows for changing equipment while in GPose. Added an option 'Use Penumbra Redraw' that uses the /Penumbra redraw command instead of Anamnesis' actor refresh.Verbiage updated in between patches- users are now prompted to click 'OK' if there's a game version mismatch and no Anamnesis update.The actor scale field is now linked (and a slider) by default.

Changed language from 'Load Full Transforms' to 'Full Transforms (Advanced)' to discourage novice users from incorrectly using the feature.#869 - Can now equip either hand model when equipping weapons.

#858 - Updated tooltips in the equipment selector toolbar.#857 - Gallery now caches images and uses lower resolution versions to reduce total bandwidth usage.#854 - Can now pin retainers as actors.#845 - Fixed warning notices not rendering correctly under light theme.#842 - Improvements to actor retargeting when entering or leaving GPose.#828 - Can now embed an image, author, and description into *.pose and *.chara files.#502 - Added a 'Body Pose' option to load poses without changing the facial expression.Unsurprisingly, there’s no data available on downloads from Antarctica or Cuba. We’re eclipsed by the US, obviously, with 16.8PB and 16.7Mbps average speeds, and similarly Japan’s 33.5Mbps average beats ours although Australia does more Steam traffic. In terms of sheer volume, Aussies have downloaded 1.5 petabytes of data from Steam in the last week - that’s around about 1500 terabytes - but we account for a mere 1.8 per cent of global traffic to Valve’s content servers. Whether caching servers are a good thing or not depends on who you ask - since they’re locally hosted they have the potential to be much faster than downloading from overseas, but in peak times their relatively small bandwidth and data throughput makes them more vulnerable to saturation, actually slowing down gamers’ download speeds. 3FL, Internode, Telstra, IX, Adam Internet, Gamespace and EGN all have their own local hardware and storage, which hosts at least the most popular files for users of Steam to access, sometimes without impacting their download quotas. The difference in Steam’s speeds from the broader Internet might stem from the fact that a bunch of Aussie ISPs maintain their own local Steam caching servers.